Anne-Marie — 2002, аккорды


I will always rem{E}ember
The day you kissed my lips
Lig{H}ht as a fe{C#m}ather
And it w{C#m}ent just like this
No, i{G#m}t’s never been {A}better
Than the summ{H}er of 200{E}2


We were only e{E}leven
But acting like grownups
Like w{H}e are in the {C#m}present
Drinking{C#m} from plastic cups
Singing l{G#m}ove is f{A}orever and ever{H}
Well, I guess that was {E}true


Da{C#m}ncing on the hood in the mi{A}ddle of the woods
Of an o{E}ld Mustang, w{H}here we sang
So{A}ngs with all our childhood fr{H}iends
And it went like this, say


O{A}ops I g{E}ot 99 p{H}roblems singing bye, bye,{C#m} bye
Hold up, i{A}f you wanna go and take a r{E}ide with me
Better h{H}it me, baby, one more t{C#m}ime
Pa{A}int a picture for y{E}ou and me
Of the da{H}ys when we were y{C#m}oung
Sin{A}ging at the top of both our l{H}ungs


Now we’re under the co{E}vers
Fast fo{E}rward to eighteen
We are mo{H}re than lo{C#m}vers
Yeah, w{C#m}e are all we need
When we’r{G#m}e holding e{A}ach other
I’m taken {H}back to 200{E}2




Da{C#m}ncing on the hood in the mi{A}ddle of the woods
Of an o{E}ld Mustang, w{H}here we sang
So{A}ngs with all our childhood fr{H}iends
And it went like this, say


O{A}ops I g{E}ot 99 p{H}roblems singing bye, bye,{C#m} bye
Hold up, i{A}f you wanna go and take a r{E}ide with me
Better h{H}it me, baby, one more t{C#m}ime
Pa{A}int a picture for y{E}ou and me
Of the da{H}ys when we were y{C#m}oung
Sin{A}ging at the top of both our l{H}ungs
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}

Интересное  Звери - На луне


Da{C#m}ncing on the hood in the mi{A}ddle of the woods
Of an o{E}ld Mustang, w{H}here we sang
So{A}ngs with all our childhood fr{H}iends


Oh, now


O{A}ops I g{E}ot 99 p{H}roblems singing bye, bye,{C#m} bye
Hold up, i{A}f you wanna go and take a r{E}ide with me
Better h{H}it me, baby, one more t{C#m}ime
Pa{A}int a picture for y{E}ou and me
Of the da{H}ys when we were y{C#m}oung
Sin{A}ging at the top of both our l{H}ungs
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}
On the day we fell in lo{E}ve{ }{H}{ }{C#m}{ }{A}
On the day we fell in lo{A}ve, love, love

Аккорды песни под гитару Anne-Marie — 2002

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